“What a great after-care program. Faith was recommended to me by a neighbour and from the time I first met the Management staff I knew that this was going to be a great experience for my daughter. I am confident that, from the time she leaves school, she arrives safely at the centre and is well taken care of until I arrive to pick her up. She gets most of her homework done, has snacks and enjoys playing with her friends. She is always happy and never wants to leave! I would highly recommend Faith for anyone that needs to feel confident that their child cared for each and every day.” Sheila
Our School Age Program:
Junior Kindergarten to grade 6
Licensed for 53 children
Staffed with a ratio of 1:15
Before & Aftercare: 7:30 to 8:15 am & 2:45 to 5:30 pm
PA Days: 8:00 am to 5:30 pm only

The School Age Program is licensed for 53 children. This program is open for children aged 3.8 to 12 years in need of before and after school care as well as PA days and snow days. This includes those attending Junior and/or Senior Kindergarten as well.
Schools Served:
Each York District School Board, whether Public or Catholic, has an area boundary that we must abide by with children attending the centre. Children are bussed from the centre in the morning and returned in the afternoon for the after-care program.
Public School: Crosby Heights Public School (JK to grade 8)
Public French Immersion: Michaelle Jean (grades 1 to 3) and Beverly Acres (grades 4 to 8)
Catholic School: Our Lady Help of Christian (JK to grade 8)
Catholic French Immersion: Christ the King (JK to grade 8)
In order to suit the needs of our families, we have 3 different school-age programs that accommodate children's after-school:
1) Playroom 1 - This room has a capacity for 27 children. During their time here the children are permitted to use the computers, play games, do craft projects, or just hang out with their friends. After spending a full day at school learning, sometimes they enjoy just do nothing and we encourage that behaviour provided they remain respectful of the others in the program.
2) Playroom 2 - This room has a capacity for 11 children. This room is set up for science, sensory, and games for those wanting a little more quiet play and experimenting with their closest friends.
3) Homework Room - This room has a capacity for 15 children. In this room, the teacher will encourage the children to do as much homework as is directed by the parent. This may include quiet reading, math, projects or worksheets. This does not mean that the teachers will help them to complete their homework especially if they are feeling overwhelmed and in need of some social time. We strongly encourage the parents to spend the time with their children in reviewing their homework tasks however, we are here to assist when and where we can.
On PA days and/or snow days, children are encouraged to bring any outstanding projects or work they may have and dedicate some of their time to completing their tasks. The teachers are very knowledgeable and are able to assist the children in most subjects.