Our Infant Program:
Open 8:00 am to 5:30 pm only
Birth to 18 months
Licensed for 6 children
Staffed with 2 teachers
‘The best infant centre in the city! I was so happy I when I got space for my son. The teaching staff are amazing and made my son and entire family feel like it was a home away from home. What a wonderful place!’ Emma P.
The Infant Program consists of two schedules:
For our younger infants: The program involves the daily care of the children including diapering, feeding, face/tummy time, sleeping, playing and outdoor time. These little ones set their own schedule which can change day to day and moment by moment. The teachers work in collaboration with the parents to accommodate the children’s ever-changing daily needs based on open communication and dialogue. Our teachers work with the parents on the introduction of new foods and with the transition onto tables foods and from bottle to cup.
For our older infants: The program involves the same dynamic as the younger program adding in activities such as creative, gross motor, drama play, sensory and science. These ‘old folks’ are transitioning onto a toddler schedule with one nap directly after lunch and learning self-help skills such as feeding and dressing.
Each and every day, the teachers will complete an infant daily schedule for you giving you more insight into your child’s day. This will include such items as what your child ate, how much and what time; diapering and sleeping, along with their various activities they participated in throughout the day. The centre will scan and keep a copy on file for 1 year and a physical copy will be sent home with you for reference.
Our infant teachers truly take time to learn the children's development and create programs for them each week. With this age group, we do allow the parents to visit with their child during the 'transition' week for the first hour and then encourage them to leave for the remaining time. The teachers will not interfere with the bond between a parent and child so by allowing your child some time on their own in the program, permits the teachers to get to know them a little each and every day.
During the week of transition, the teachers are able to observe the interactions between child and parent but moreso, it allows the parent to get to know the teachers and develop a trusting relationship. We want our parents to feel as comfortable as possible with our program and that trusting relationship is of the utmost importance before they leave their little wee ones in our care.